Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July

I am still trying to figure out blogging so a couple of my pictures ended up before my original post which I did not plan on and do not know how to fix at this time, but oh well.

Travis and Ben at the pool. Ben is quite the little fish and is getting more and more daring. He was letting Travis, B. J. and Rob throw him into the water and he loved it.

Aunt Katie gave Claire this swimming suit and so she had to wear it. I thought she looked adorable, just lounging at the pool.

We had a very fun 4th of July spent with the Morris Family. We started the day at our swimming pool. It was very fun and we all swam for a couple of hours. We stopped for a short lunch break and then headed back for the pool. After swimming everyone went home, changed and took a nap. Then we went to Robs for a barbecue. It was fun to be together. That night we went to one of Rob and Tracie's neighbors that had gone to Evanston and spent 500 dollars on fire works. Needless to say it was an amazing show. We had to leave early because one of our kids were sad. Claire was great she didn't mind the noise at all and she actually liked all the lights in the sky. Ben on the other hand was nervous about the fireworks and wanted to go home. (Is he my child or what?)

Here are some pictures of everyone at the pool!

My nieces Kyli and Darby. They are so cute!

Carter ready to jump in.

Savannah who is 7 and is quite grown up.

Grandma Vicki holding Claire in the shade.

The brothers from left to right: Rob, Travis and B.J. (Nice face Rob)

Rob and BJ throwing the kids in the pool.

The kids eating lunch at our clubhouse!


The O'Briens said...

Your fourth of July weekend looks like it was so much fun. I can't get over Claire's little swimsuit and how cute she looks in it and Ben looks SO handsome in the first picture with Travis in the pool. The only thing of YOU! :) Leah and my mom loved looking at your blog this weekend. It is so fun to see pictures. We will be home for a couple days (like 2 1/2) right after I take the bar at the end of the month. (I think it is the weekend of Aug. 1st) We should try to get together for a minute.

Katie said...

She does look cute in her suit! And the picture of her in the chair totally makes her look like her mother. Such a Whitney face. Looks like fun-I wish we could be there!

Auger Family said...

Yay I found your blog! How are you and your little family...I can not get over how adorable Claire is! She looks like you! I love it. Ben is so big and pretty sure he is like three of Boston! :) We need to get together

Jinnyruth said...

It looks like so much fun to have cousins around all the time. I love that your boys and so boyish and your girl so girly.

Leah said...

Okay let's be honest here. I think Claire;s swimming suit is the cutest one I have ever seen. I love it. Love the name Claire by the way. Great choice!!
I still can't believe you have 2 kids!!!

Mrs. Brindley said...

Hey! I found you on TJ's class website! Your family is so cute! I have a little girl just a few days younger than your Claire! Anyway, I hope everything is going well!

Michelle said...

Hi Whitney,
I found your blog through Heather's. It's so fun to see what you and Travis are up to! I can't believe you now have a cute little girl. Last time I saw you we were having your baby shower for Ben! Time sure flies by! It's cool you are living in AF-that's where Aaron and I grew up! Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
Michelle Benson